VMC exhibits the new Virtual Cardiac Centre
The recent Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand’s 51st Conference held at the Adelaide Convention Centre last week was the perfect place to pre-launch the third exclusive site of the Virtual Medical Centre network of online information resources.
1600 delegates were able to view the site in its demonstration form thanks to Roche, who allowed us to steal valuable space on their stand. There was a high level of interest from Cardiologists from a variety of backgrounds who were happy to volunteer their assistance as members of the Virtual Cardiac Centre editorial advisory board. This should ensure that all of the key areas within cardiology are well represented: Angiography, Angioplasty, Echocardiography, EP, Valve Disease, Hypertension and Heart Failure. What was particularly pleasing was that the volunteers represented key centres from around all of the main cities in Australia, ensuring a national focus from all the centres of excellence.The advanced technology demonstrated at the trade exhibition emphasises the synergies offered by Virtual Cardiac Centre as a cutting edge medium to provide the latest cardiac news on illness and its treatments and to showcase some of the wizardry now available.Formal launch of the site to the public and educational establishment is set for late 2003.(Source: Virtual Medical Centre, Dr Andrew Dean, 24 August 2003)
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