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Comfort eating: Uncomfortable feelings … and pants

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Ever broken out the Baskin Robbins cookie dough after a bad break up? Or maybe reached the bottom of a Smith’s Chips bag without even noticing because you failed a test? It’s very common to use food to make yourself feel better, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Eating when you’re not hungry is known as comfort eating. But just remember, you won’t be so comfortable when your cholesterol soars, if you get hit with diabetes or when your pants stop fitting.

If food be thy medicine …

… Then comfort food be thy poison! We all know the foods that make us feel better – for two seconds; high in sugar and fat while being very low in nutritional content. Comfort eating can be triggered by your emotions, or sometimes by putting yourself on very restrictive diets.

The problem with reaching for the Maccas after a bad date, though, is that in the long run it doesn’t work. The only way to sort through emotional problems is talking it out with professionals and loved ones.

A Nutella jar holds no secrets and even less wisdom. Don’t get to the bottom of one before you realise.

Hot chip hangover

The other problem is that if you starting eating bad food, you feel worse, and this can continue the cycle. Stopping the cycle, or not starting one in the first place, is the best way to make yourself feel better – for real.

When you feel like cracking open the Pringles and dipping them in soft serve, start by thinking of all the horrible things it will do to your body. Ladies tend to shoot for the sweet stuff like cake, and blokes may throw a 1 kg steak on the barbie. Either way, think before you binge. This alone may cause you to control your behaviours. No one wants you to have a heart attack or have to start wearing a moo-moo.

At the same time, don’t deprive yourself. If you starve yourself, eventually comfort foods will call your name and you’ll give in because you’ll be so hungry you could eat your own hand. So don’t feel bad for snacking. Just keep it light and nutritious, like nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruit, or some raw veggies and hommus to satiate that dip craving.

Ice cream headache

Comfort eating won’t solve anything. All you’ll be left with is a leaky container and a bad food hangover. And if you repeat the pattern, which is common with comfort eating, it will eventually lead to bigger problems than you have now, like diabetes, obesity and heart problems. When your clothes start getting snug, it’s time to talk about your problems, not eat about them.

Your doctor can help if you feel you need more help or tips to control comfort eating.

More information

Comfort eating 
For more information on comfort eating, including types of comfort food, psychological issues and choosing healthy comfort food, see Comfort Eating.

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Posted On: 7 February, 2011
Modified On: 28 August, 2014

Created by: myVMC