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Food balance products on a plate.

Diet over the festive season

The festive season is a time when we get together with family and friends, and often have more social gatherings than at other times of the year. Invariably getting together involves eating, and sometimes consuming excessive amounts of food or excessive amounts of unhealthy foods.
Stop smoking

New Year’s resolution: Quit smoking

Even though smoking carries serious health risks, a significant proportion of the population continues to smoke. Many smokers attempt to quit at some stage, and each year many choose quitting smoking as one of their New Year's Resolutions.
Young man laughing

How Smoking Affects the Mouth

Smoking plays a part in several diseases and lesions in the mouth, the most common being gum disease. The chance of dental implant failure is also more common among smokers than among non-smokers.
Woman smile, teeth

Nutrition for healthy teeth (dental health and food)

The main cause of tooth loss is tooth decay (dental caries), and one of the most significant factors in the start of tooth decay is what we eat. The diet we consume can also play a significant role in erosion of teeth as well as the development of defects in the tooth structure.
Young man laughing

Oral Mucositis and Quality of Life

Oral mucositis results in many symptoms that can influence a person's quality of life. Mucositis, a condition in which the mucous membranes of the mouth develop painful lesions, is caused by radiation or chemotherapy.
Young man laughing

Oral mucositis and nutrition

Mucositis can have a very severe impact on a patient's ability to eat and drink. Nutritional support is an essential component of cancer treatment and helps maintain body weight.
Young man laughing

Oral mucositis (OM)

Oral mucositis refers to an inflammatory, erosive, and/or ulcerative process inside the mouth, which is usually caused by radiation or chemotherapy.
Young man laughing

Oral mucosa

The oral mucosa is the "skin" inside the mouth, and it covers most of the oral cavity apart from the teeth. Its main purpose is to act as a barrier and protect the deeper tissues.
Young man laughing

Gelclair barrier device for mucositis

Gelclair is a medical device used to reduce pain in patients with oral mucositis or other conditions that cause damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Teething Troubles

Eruption of primary teeth How primary teeth come through When the primary teeth come through Problems during the eruption of […]