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Smiling Man

Anatomy of the testes

The testes (testicles) are the male gonads, that is; they are the primary male reproductive organs. They fulfil two key functions, the production of gametes (sperm) and the secretion of hormones, particularly the male hormone testosterone. Other structures in the male...

Does an unhealthy lifestyle impact sperm quality?

Current guidelines from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence advise doctors to warn infertile men about the dangers of smoking, […]

Testosterone overprescribed, particularly for older men

Testosterone prescriptions have surged since 2006 due to promotional activity, according to University of Sydney research which also found growing […]

Male fertility genes discovered

A new study has revealed previously undiscovered genetic variants that influence fertility in men. The findings, published by Cell Press […]

Young men’s mental health costs $3 billion annually

A new report released shows that young men’s mental illness is costing the Australian economy more than $3 billion each […]

New prostate cancer screening guidelines face a tough sell

Recent recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) advising elimination of routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for prostate […]

Of meat and men: Why do male consumers avoid vegetarian options?

Why are men generally more reluctant to try vegetarian products? According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer […]
eczema skin on neck

Psoriasis Subtypes

Psoriasis is a disease which affects multiple systems within the body, predominantly the skin and the joints. Skin disease which can present in multiple different ways and degrees of severity is the hallmark of psoriasis. The severity of psoriasis is defined in terms of how much...

Hormone-depleting drug promising for high-risk prostate tumours

A hormone-depleting drug approved last year for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer can help eliminate or nearly eliminate tumors […]

Heavy duty: Duty-free tobacco quantity reduced

The Government’s 2012-13 budget decision to cut inbound duty-free tobacco sales will help reduce the nation’s cancer burden, according to […]