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How support groups can boost your health

For people living with chronic health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and cancer, the health system can seem impersonal and […]

Our health report card is in – and here’s what we can learn

Australia is generally a healthy nation but there are some key areas where we could do better, according to the […]

‘Counting your drinks’ reduces alcohol consumption

The most effective way for Australians to reduce their alcohol consumption is counting their drinks, new research led by Curtin […]

Women sitting ducks for frailty

Women who spend more time sitting down as they age are at higher risk of becoming frail, a University of […]

Marriage may protect against heart disease, stroke and associated risk of death

A global study led by Keele University in the United Kingdom in collaboration with Macquarie University has found that marriage […]

New online tool to help women understand their individual breast cancer risk

iPrevent is a new, web-based tool to help Australian women understand their personal breast cancer risk and act on it. […]

The fight to beat breast cancer with a blood test

Working for a start-up in 2008, Dharmica Mistry made a discovery that led her to file for an international patent. […]

When a genetic test result for breast cancer comes out of the blue

Women newly diagnosed with breast cancer who learn they carry a genetic mutation in a breast cancer gene experience more […]

New drug calms violent patients

Queensland paramedics are leading the world by introducing a new drug, droperidol, to quickly and safely calm violent patients fuelled […]

Better post-hospital care needed for nursing home residents

A collaborative study between researchers at UNSW Medicine’s Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA), the Department of Aged Care, St George […]