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Man blowing his nose in canola field

Perennial allergic rhinitis

Information on the symptoms, treatment and diagnosis of Allergic rhinitis by professional health specialists.
human lung

Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP)

Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis (CWP) is a disease of the lung resulting from the long-term inhalation of microscopic dust particles which was most commonly seen in coal worker's, hence the name. CWP affects the small airways and alveoli of the lung, particularly in the upper zones.
lung made of smoke


Emphysema is a chronic disease affecting the lungs in which abnormal permanent enlargement of the tiniest airspaces of the lungs, the alveoli and respiratory bronchioles, occurs.
Doctor drawing a heart

Pulmonary hypertension

Information on the symptoms, treatment and diagnosis of Pulmonary arterial hypertension by professional health specialists.
male doctor in hospital


Asbestosis is a fibrotic disease of the lungs caused by chronic exposure and inhalation of asbestos fibres. Asbestos is mixture of chemicals that occurs naturally as a fibre substance and was widely used in the building industry for insulation, roofing and fireproofing....
Doctor and senior woman

Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) or hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP)

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis or extrinsic allergic alveolitis is a widespread disease of the lungs, involving inflammation in both the small airways of the lung and the alveoli (air sacs). It is not dissimilar to asthma, but the latter involves the bronchi and bronchioles. It is...
Doctor and patient looking an x-ray image

Pleural effusion

A pleural effusion is a disease of the lung. The pleura are thin films of connective tissue, which line both the outer surface of the lungs, and the inside of the chest cavity. The relationship of the pleura to the lungs and chest can be imagined as if the pleura were a balloon...


Asthma is a disease of the lungs. People with asthma experience episodes of asthma, or asthma attacks. This occurs when there is a narrowing and inflammation of the airways, which makes it harder to breathe. Asthma is an extremely common disease, and is the most common chronic...
Doctor drawing a heart

Atrial fibrillation (AF)

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a disorder of the rhythm of the heart. It results from disorganised electrical activity in the atria of the heart, which causes rapid stimulation of the ventricles, leading to an irregular pulse rate. AF is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia.
Doctor with heart lolly and stethoscope

Aortic stenosis (AS)

Aortic stenosis (AS) is the constriction of the aortic valve of the heart - the valve that regulates the blood being pumped out by the heart and stops it from flowing back into the left ventricle of heart. Aortic stenosis leads to heart failure.