Janssen-Cilag Allied Health and Nursing Postgraduate Scholarship
The Department of Palliative and Supportive Services, Flinders University is pleased to announce that Janssen-Cilag will again be sponsoring 3 scholarships to the value of $2,400 each in 2003.
As in 2002, these scholarships will be awarded to professionals from the allied health and nursing fields who will be commencing in any of the following awards in 2003 through Flinders University:
- Graduate Certificate in Health (Palliative Care)
- Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care
- Master of Palliative Care (by coursework)
- Master of Science, Palliative Care (by research)
For further information please contact Meredith Legg:
Department of Palliative and Supportive ServicesFlinders University700 Goodwood RoadDAW PARK SA 5041Telephone: (08) 8275 1603Fax: (08) 8374 4018Email: pallcare@flinders.edu.au
The Department of Palliative and Supportive Services, Flinders University would like to thank Janssen-Cilag for its continued support of palliative care education in Australia.
HECS places – Master of Primary Health Care (Palliative Care)
Limited HECS places have been allocated to the Master of Primary Health Care (MPHC) in 2003. As part of this degree, candidates can major in the area of Palliative Care. For further information, please contact:
Carol GibbDepartment of Primary Health CareG5 ‘The Flats’Flinders Medical CentreBEDFORD PARK 5042Telephone: (08) 8204 4628Email: carol.gibb@flinders.edu.au
*Please note that HECS places for the MPHC are highly contested.
For more information about the scholarship, click on the link above to go to Flinders University.
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