Diabetes – the leading cause of kidney failure
During National Diabetes Week 2008 (13-19 July) Diabetes Australia and Kidney Health Australia are promoting the importance of kidney health in people with diabetes.
Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 30% of new dialysis patients. Twenty years ago type 2 diabetes accounted for only 2% of new dialysis patients.
If detected early diabetic kidney disease can often be stabilised and kidney failure avoided. People with diabetes develop impaired kidney function at three times the rate of those who do not have diabetes.
Maintaining normal blood glucose levels is important in helping reduce kidney problems in people with diabetes.
To coincide with National Diabetes Week, Diabetes Australia has launched a new national campaign to improve education in the community on the risk factors and warning signs of type 2 diabetes; in particular the personal risk factors of family history and abdominal obesity.
People who have one parent who has type 2 diabetes have a one in four risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Those with both parents diagnosed are at a one in two risk of themselves developing type 2 diabetes.
While we can’t control our family history, we all have influence over lifestyle. The risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced by up to 60% by adopting a healthy and active lifestyle.
In addition to healthy eating, taking steps like walking to work, taking the stairs, getting off the bus one stop earlier than usual, joining a gym or simply enjoying the outdoors all count towards a healthier lifestyle. Not only will you feel better, you will be reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
(Source: Diabetes Australia: July 2008)
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