GP Q/A: Sore testicles
Reader question:
Hi Dr Joe,
I have always suffered from testicle chafing, it’s very sore, what can I do about it?
Thanks for your help,
GP response:
Dr Joe Kosterich MBBS, General Practitioner and Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Virtual Medical Centre and Parenthub responds:
Testicular chafing is a flaking and redness of the skin on the scrotum. It is brought about through a combination of friction and heat. Cyclists are prone to it as are men who work outside in hot weather. Tight clothes can also contribute.
It is a condition of the skin, not the genitals and is NOT infectious. The skin will be red and dry and can develop cracks that are painful.
Treatment involves use of soothing creams like vitamin E cream or a skin moisturiser. If it does not settle after about a week to ten days see your doctor. In some instances a prescription cortisone cream may be needed if there is associated dermatitis.
Avoid aggravating friction factors like tight clothes. Boxer shorts are the best underpants in this setting. Keep the area as dry as possible. With these approaches it will clear reasonably quickly.
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