Brain – Editorial Advisory Board
Medical Directors | |
Name: | Prof Graeme Hankey |
Institution: | The University of Western Australia |
Job Title: | Professor of Neurology |
Qualifications: | MBBS MD FRACP FRCP(Edin) FRCP(Lond) |
Specialists | |
Name: | Dr Anthony Alvaro |
Institution: | Neurology Department, Fremantle Hospital WA |
Name: | Prof Craig Anderson |
Institution: | Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW |
Job Title: | Director, Neurological & Mental Health Division Professor of Stroke Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience |
Name: | Dr Colin J Andrews |
Institution: | Canberra Specialist Centre, ACT |
Name: | Dr John S Archer |
Institution: | Austin Health, The University of Melbourne VIC |
Job Title: | Senior Lecturer Medicine |
Name: | Dr Glenys P Arthur |
Institution: | Southern Cross Specialists Centre, Southern Cross Hospital, NZ |
Job Title: | Neurologist |
Qualifications: | MB, ChB, FRACP, FACRM, FAFRM |
Name: | Dr Peter Alan Barber |
Name: | Dr Guy Bashford |
Institution: | Port Kembla Hospital, Illawarra Pain Management Service |
Job Title: | Director, Rehabilitation specialist, Clinical Associate Prof. |
Qualifications: | MBBS FAFRM FFPMANZCA |
Name: | Dr Roy G Beran |
Name: | Dr Karyn Boundy |
Name: | Dr Malcolm Bowman |
Institution: | St Vincent’s Hospital |
Job Title: | Rehabilitation – Staff Specialist |
Qualifications: | MBBS FRACGP FAFRM (RACP) |
Name: | Dr Geoffrey Boyce |
Name: | Prof Bruce Brew |
Institution: | Dept of Neurology, St Vincents Hospital, NSW |
Job Title: | Head of Department |
Name: | Prof Lesley Cala |
Institution: | Australian Research Centre for Medical Engineering, WA |
Name: | Dr Ian Cameron |
Institution: | Rehabilitation Studies Unit, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney |
Qualifications: | MBBS PhD FAFRM (RACP) |
Name: | Dr Jonathon Chalk |
Institution: | Dept of Medicine, University of Queensland, QLD |
Job Title: | Senior Lecturer in Medicine |
Name: | A/Prof Brian R Chambers |
Institution: | Diamond Valley Specialist Centre, VIC |
Name: | A/Prof Geoffrey David Champion |
Institution: | St Vincent’s Clinic NSW |
Name: | Dr Andrew Chancellor |
Name: | Dr Karen Chia |
Institution: | UNSW Rural Clinical School |
Job Title: | Rehabilitation specialist |
Qualifications: | MBBS, FAFRM (RACP), GDBM |
Name: | Dr Kong Chung |
Name: | Prof Mark Cook |
Institution: | Centre for Clinical neuroscience & Neurological Research, St Vincents Hospital, VIC |
Job Title: | Head of Department |
Name: | Dr John L Corbett |
Name: | Prof Maria Crotty |
Institution: | Repatriation General Hospital Flinders University |
Job Title: | Rehabilitation and Aged Care Director of Rehabilitation |
Qualifications: | FAFRM FAFPHM MPH PHD |
Name: | A/Prof Leo Davies |
Institution: | Department of Neurophysiology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW |
Name: | Prof Stephen M Davis |
Institution: | Dept of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, VIC |
Job Title: | Head of Department |
Name: | Dr Timothy Day |
Institution: | Neurophysiology Department, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Vic |
Name: | Dr Kate Drummond |
Institution: | Department of Neurosurgery, The Royal Melbourne Hospital , VIC |
Job Title: | Neurosurgeon |
Name: | Dr Wendyl D’Souza |
Institution: | The Department of Neurology & Neurological Research, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, VIC |
Name: | Prof Mervyn Eadie |
Name: | Dr Elizabeth Elliot |
Institution: | Westmead Children’s Hospital, Dept of Pediatrics & Child Health NSW |
Name: | Dr Mark Faragher |
Institution: | Cabrini Medical Centre, VIC |
Name: | A/Prof Steven Faux |
Institution: | St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney |
Job Title: | Director of Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine |
Name: | Dr Ronald D Fine |
Name: | Dr Victor Fung |
Institution: | Specialist Medical Centre, NSW |
Job Title: | Director of Movement Disorders Unit |
Name: | Dr Saman Gardiya Punchihewa |
Name: | Dr Richard Gerraty |
Name: | Dr Sumana Gopinath |
Name: | Dr Victor Gordon |
Institution: | Monash Neurology, VIC |
Name: | Dr Keith Grainger |
Job Title: | Neurologist |
Name: | Dr Lindsay F Haas |
Institution: | Dept of Neurology, Wellington Hospital, NZ |
Job Title: | Neurologist and Clinical Leader |
Name: | Dr G Michael Halmagyi |
Institution: | Dept of Neurophysiology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW |
Name: | Dr Ibrahim Hanna |
Institution: | Specialist Medical Centre, NSW |
Name: | Prof Simon Hawke |
Institution: | NSW Brain and Mind Research Institute |
Name: | Dr Michael Hayes |
Institution: | Concord Hospital, Concord NSW |
Name: | Dr Robert Heard |
Institution: | Gosford Clinic, Neurology Associates, NSW |
Name: | Dr Roxana Heriseanu |
Institution: | Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney; Moorong Spinal Unit |
Job Title: | Staff Specialist |
Qualifications: | MBBS FAFRM RACP |
Name: | Dr Mark Hersch |
Institution: | St George Hospital, NSW |
Job Title: | Head of Department (Clinical Neurophysiology) |
Name: | Dr Robert J Hjorth |
Name: | Prof Malcolm K Horne |
Institution: | Movement Disorder Clinic, VIC |
Job Title: | Deputy Director |
Name: | Dr David W Howells |
Institution: | Austin Health, VIC |
Name: | Dr William Huynh |
Name: | Prof Robert Iansek |
Institution: | Department of Medicine, Kingston Centre, VIC |
Qualifications: | PhD, FRACP |
Name: | Dr Jerome Ip |
Institution: | Rehabilitation and Aged Care Services, Blacktown Hospital, NSW |
Job Title: | Staff Specialist |
Qualifications: | MBBS, FRACP (Neurology & Geriatric medicine) |
Name: | Dr Stacey K Jankelowitz |
Institution: | Dept of Geriatric Neurology, NSW |
Name: | Dr Jacques Joubert |
Institution: | Epworth Medical Centre, VIC |
Name: | Prof Byron Kakulas |
Name: | Dr John Ker |
Institution: | Royal Perth Hospital |
Job Title: | HOD Spinal Unit |
Qualifications: | MBBCh, BSc(Hons), FRCS, FACRM, FAFRM (RACP) |
Name: | Dr Matthew Kiernan |
Institution: | Institute of Neurological Sciences, Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW |
Job Title: | Consultant Neurologist |
Name: | Dr Thomas Kimber |
Institution: | Neurology Department, Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA |
Job Title: | Staff Specialist |
Name: | Dr Wally Knezevic |
Institution: | Department of Neurology, Fremantle Hospital, WA |
Name: | Dr Simon Koblar |
Institution: | Department of Medicine, Adelaide University, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Campus, SA |
Name: | Dr Kishore Kumar |
Job Title: | Neurology registrar |
Name: | Dr Phillipa Lamont |
Institution: | Neuro genetic unit, Dept of Neurology, Royal Perth Hospital, WA |
Name: | A/Prof Cecilie Lander |
Name: | Mandy Lau |
Name: | Dr Nicholas Lawn |
Institution: | Department of Neurology, Royal Perth Hospital, WA |
Name: | Dr John A Lawson |
Institution: | Sydney Childrens Hospital, NSW |
Job Title: | Child Neurologist |
Name: | Dr Yong Chern Lee |
Name: | Dr Simon Li |
Name: | A/Prof Geoffrey LittleJohn |
Institution: | Monash Medical Centre VIC |
Name: | Dr Warwick Lloyd |
Institution: | Pain Management Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital SA |
Name: | Mr Ivan Lorentz |
Name: | Dr Dennis Lowe |
Institution: | The Medical Practice NSW |
Name: | Dr Peter Geoffrey Lucas |
Institution: | NEURON, Brisbane, QLD |
Job Title: | Neurosurgeon |
Qualifications: | MBBS FRACS |
Name: | Dr Romesh Markus |
Institution: | Department of Neurology, St Vincent’s Hospital, NSW |
Name: | Prof Colin Masters |
Institution: | Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne, VIC |
Name: | Dr Pam McCombe |
Name: | A/Prof Paul McCrory |
Institution: | The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne Brain Centre – Austin Campus, University of Melbourne, VIC |
Job Title: | NHMRC Practitioner Fellow |
Name: | Dr Elizabeth McDonald |
Institution: | MS Society of Victoria, VIC |
Job Title: | Medical Director |
Name: | Dr Daniel McLaughlin |
Name: | Dr Stuart Mossman |
Institution: | Neurology Department, Wellington Hospital, NZ |
Name: | Dr Selva Mudaliar |
Institution: | Royal Melbourne Hospital |
Job Title: | Rehabilitation/ Medico-Legal |
Qualifications: | FAFRM, MRACMA, FACLM, GRAD DIP LAW |
Name: | Dr Peter New |
Institution: | Caulfield General Medical Centre, VIC |
Name: | Dr Karl Ng |
Institution: | Sydney North Neurology and Neurophysiology, Crows Nest, NSW |
Job Title: | Neurologist and Neurophysiologist, Director Neurophysiology – Royal North Shore Hospital, Conjoint Senior Lecturer – University of Sydney |
Qualifications: | MB BS (Hons I) FRCP FRACP CCT Clinical Neurophysiology (UK) |
Name: | Prof Kathryn North |
Institution: | Clinical Science Building, Childrens Hospital at Westmead |
Name: | Dr Graham Norton |
Institution: | Modbury Public Hospital, SA |
Name: | Prof John Olver |
Institution: | Epworth Hospital |
Job Title: | Medical Director of Rehabilitation |
Qualifications: | MD (Mellbourne), MBBS, FACRM, FAFRM (RACP) |
Name: | Dr John D O’Sullivan |
Name: | Dr Peter Panegyres |
Institution: | Mount Medical Centre, WA |
Name: | Dr Gareth Parry |
Institution: | Dept of Neurology, University of Minnesota, USA |
Job Title: | Professor of Neurology |
Name: | Dr Melinda Pascoe |
Institution: | Neurology Choice, Pacific Private Clinic QLD |
Name: | Dr Chris Plummer |
Institution: | Neuroscience Dept, St Vincent’s Hospital VIC |
Name: | Dr Michael Pollack |
Institution: | John Hunter Hospital; Rankin Park Centre |
Job Title: | Rehab Medicine; Clinical Director |
Qualifications: | MBBS, FACRM, FAFRM(RACP), FFPM(ANZCA), M Med Sci(ClinEpi) |
Name: | Prof Robert Porter |
Institution: | Faculty of Medicine, Health & Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, QLD |
Job Title: | Director – Research Development |
Name: | Dr David Prentice |
Name: | A/Prof Peter G Procopis |
Institution: | Childrens Hospital at Westmead, NSW |
Name: | Dr Donald S Pryor |
Institution: | Southern Neurology, St George Hospital, NSW |
Name: | Dr Katrina Reardon |
Name: | A/Prof David Reutens |
Institution: | Dept Medicine/Neurosciences, Monash Medical Centre, VIC |
Job Title: | Head of Department |
Name: | Dr Julian Rodrigues |
Institution: | Hollywood Medical Centre, Nedlands, WA |
Job Title: | Consultant Neurologist |
Qualifications: | MBBS; FRACP |
Name: | Dr Dominic Rowe |
Institution: | Department of Neurology, Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW |
Name: | Dr Noel Saines |
Institution: | Wesley Medical Centre, QLD |
Name: | Prof Ingrid Scheffer |
Institution: | Dept of Neurology, Austin Health, VIC |
Name: | Dr Joseph Scopa |
Institution: | Dept of Neurology, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA |
Name: | Anna Sellbach |
Job Title: | Trainee |
Name: | Dr Peter Silburn |
Institution: | Watkins Medical Centre, QLD |
Name: | Dr Olga Skibina |
Institution: | Neuroscience Department, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, VIC |
Name: | Dr Barry Snow |
Institution: | Neuro services Unit, Auckland Hospital, NZ |
Name: | Dr Judith Spies |
Institution: | Department of Neurology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW |
Name: | Dr Neil Spratt |
Institution: | Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Austin Health, VIC |
Name: | Dr Rick Stell |
Institution: | St John of God Subiaco Clinic, WA |
Job Title: | Consultant Neurologist |
Name: | Dr Jonathan W L Sturm |
Institution: | Kanwal Medical Complex NSW |
Name: | Dr Ik Lin Tan |
Institution: | Neurophysiology Department, St George Hospital NSW |
Name: | A/Prof Bruce Taylor |
Institution: | Department of Medicine, University of Otago, NZ |
Name: | Dr Paul Timmings |
Institution: | Neurology Department, Waikato Hospital, NZ |
Name: | Dr Donald Todman |
Institution: | Brisbane Clinic, QLD |
Name: | Dr Phillip S Tuch |
Institution: | Neurology Department, Royal Perth Hospital, WA |
Name: | Prof Frank John Vajda |
Qualifications: | MD FRCP FRACP |
Name: | Dr Megan Varlow |
Institution: | Pain Management Unit, St George Hospital NSW |
Job Title: | Health Psychologist |
Name: | Dr Grant L Walker |
Name: | Dr John A Waterson |
Institution: | Cabrini Medical Centre, VIC |
Name: | Dr Emma Whitman |
Institution: | Department of Neurology, Flinders Medical Centre, SA |
Name: | Dr Susanne Winter |
Name: | Dr Srinavasa Raju Yerra |
Nurses | |
Name: | Jo Chan |
Research Scientists | |
Name: | Dr Peter Keller |
Institution: | Level 1 Neurosciences Building; Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Neuroscience Trials Australia VIC |
Qualifications: | BAppSc(Optom), MBA, MHEth, PhD, FVCO |
Name: | Ms Rosemary Panelli |
Qualifications: | PhD Candidate |
Name: | Himesha Vandebona |
Institution: | Neuro genetics Department, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW |
Allied Healths | |
Name: | Helen Gardner |
Posted On: 22 October, 2013
Modified On: 7 July, 2017
Created by: