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Researchers discover link between gut and type 1 diabetes

Scientists have found that targeting micro-organisms in the gut, known as microbiota, could have the potential to help prevent type […]
highlighted kidneys

How kidney disease happens

Monash researchers have solved a mystery, revealing how certain immune cells work together to instigate autoimmune kidney disease. The study, […]

DNA gets away: scientists catch the rogue molecule that can trigger autoimmunity

A research team has discovered the process – and filmed the actual moment – that can change the body’s response […]

Enzyme behind immune cell response revealed

Monash University researchers have revealed the role played by an enzyme that is pivotal to the process of clearing infection […]

Breakthrough may stop multiple sclerosis in its tracks

An international research team has demonstrated that a new plant-derived drug can block the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). University […]

My dad… my hero… my button buddy

Most boys look up to their dads as hero’s and four and half year old Zephyr Anderson is no different. Zephyr’s dad Clay would stop at nothing for his son and he even got a tattoo of his son’s feeding tube so they could become button buddies!

Allergy drug may be effective in kidney disease

A current treatment for asthma may benefit patients with kidney disease, according to latest research at Monash University. Published in […]

New finding will help target MS immune response

Researchers have made another important step in the progress towards being able to block the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) […]

Muscular Dystrophy: Gene and Stem Cell Therapy

Transcript Hello, my name is Professor Allan Bretag, Adjunct Professor, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences at the University of […]

Multiple Sclerosis (Video)

Transcript Hello. I’m Dr Elizabeth McDonald, Rehabilitation Physician and Medical Director of Multiple Sclerosis Society Victoria and New South Wales. […]