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Asthma Foundation of Western Australia

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About the Asthma Foundation of Western Australia

The Asthma Foundation of WA is a community based, non-profit organisation dedicated to the alleviation of asthma as a cause of morbidity and mortality in our community. The Foundation offers education and support services for people with asthma and their carers, and funds local medical and scientific research into asthma.

Asthma Foundation of WA Values and Aims

As an organisation we value:

  • Our clients
  • Our staff
  • Our volunteers and members
  • Our relationship with other stakeholders
  • Our professional attitude
  • Our innovative approach
  • Our commitment to excellence
  • Our honesty and integrity in everything we do
  • Our diligence to the task at hand

Aims of the Asthma Foundation of WA include:

  • To minimise the impact of asthma on the lives of people with asthma and related conditions, their families and carers, by improving their general health and understanding of current asthma management techniques;
  • To provide current and accurate information to interest groups including family members, health service administrators, government bodies, medical practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, sports coaches, employers, school teachers, and child care workers which aims to improve the treatment and care of people with asthma and related conditions;
  • To promote and fund research into the mechanisms, causes, impact, treatment, control and elimination of asthma and related conditions;
  • To raise the public’s general awareness of the prevalence of asthma and related conditions, the difficulties and challenges confronting people with asthma and related conditions, and the impact of asthma and related conditions on the community;
  • To provide investigation and rehabilitation services for people with asthma and related conditions;
  • To educate the public and the medical profession of the necessity for a co-ordinated approach to the problems of asthma and related conditions;
  • To promote, establish, conduct, control and assist branches, boards, associations and societies and other forms of organisations and administration for the purpose of widening the influence and operation of the Foundation; and
  • To found, encourage and contribute to scholarships, fellowships and travel grants for the purpose of promoting or encouraging any of the objects of the Foundation.

Asthma Foundation of WA Programs and Services

The Asthma Foundation of WA carries out a number of community tasks these include:

  • Free educator sessions for people with asthma, and their family, carers or friends.
  • Fitness events for example swimming lessons for adult asthma sufferers
  • Personal training courses for carers, health professionals and educators
  • The Asthma Friendly Schools Program
  • A wide range of fundraising events including fashion shows and bike rides to raise money for asthma research and support.

For further information on dates, times and session locations click here.

Contact Details

For further information, go to the Asthma Foundation of WA website, email, phone (08) 9289 3600 or freecall 1800 645 130.

Asthma Foundation of WA

More information

woman_asthma_inhaler_respiratory_lungs_breathing_100x100For everything you need to know about Asthma, including the symptoms, risk factors, treatments and other useful resources, visit Asthma

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Posted On: 19 February, 2007
Modified On: 17 August, 2017


Created by: myVMC